So, You Wanna Be a Writer?

Got an idea, but don’t know how to get it down?

Have a story written, but don’t know what to do with it?

Maybe you’ve already self-published, but can’t understand why your book isn’t selling.

I may have just the solution you’re looking for.

Amazon bestselling author Iain Rob Wright has put together a comprehensive video course that teaches you absolutely EVERYTHING you need to know to be able to quit your day job and become a successful indie author.

I’ve had the honor of being asked to participate in this series and although I’ve managed my own (small) success in the past, I realized there’s so much I still need to learn.

Lessons include:

Plotting, chapters and book length


Writing the perfect book description and keywords


Marketing your book

Creating a website

Using Facebook to find readers

Getting reviews

And so much more.

There are three free lessons on the website, so check them out, and I know you’ll see what a great value this course is.

I can’t recommend A-Z of Self-Publishing highly enough. If you’re a writer, or are thinking of writing your first book, you owe it to yourself to check this out.







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