So, You Wanna Be a Writer?

Got an idea, but don’t know how to get it down? Have a story written, but don’t know what to do with it? Maybe you’ve already self-published, but can’t understand why your book isn’t selling. I may have just the solution you’re looking for. Amazon bestselling author Iain Rob Wright has put together a comprehensive…

Why You Gotta Be So Mean….Again.

? I’ve been down this road already, but it seems like some writers are still being offended and hurt and feel the need to take it out on people who “don’t get” their art. I’m really sorry that not everyone liked your book. I know, I know, you thought those five star reviews meant your…

Dawn Cano – Queen Of Extreme

Originally posted on Zombie-Kebab-Blog:
So without further ado here is the Q&A session i had with Dawn. (Darren) What is your name, and age? (Dawn) I’m old enough to know better and young enough not to care. (Darren) How many books have you written or have been part of? (Dawn) I’ve written three novelettes and…

Daryl Duncan – Legend

Originally posted on Zombie-Kebab-Blog:
Daryl Lewis Duncan. Part time film maker, script writer with Dead On Films. Recently started making book covers in return for some food and likes. Co-authoring several stories with Dawn Cano. Plays guitar and fronts a band called Gypsum Weed who are nowhere near good enough to play live yet. Daryl…

Career highlights ( so far )

Originally posted on WILLIAM MEIKLE:
I was asked elsewhere what I thought my career high point was – and the question floored me for a bit, as it’s not something I’ve sat and thought about. But in this week when I’m feeling a bit low about the closure of Dark Renaissance and struggling to find…

Your New Must Read List

Hi, Kiddies, I hope this finds you well and that you’re all enjoying the same lovely springtime weather that Texas is experiencing. Today, rather than bringing you a review, I wanted to showcase a couple of authors I think everyone needs to read. These guys and gals bust their asses to bring us some phenomenal…

Review: The Scarlett Curse by Toneye Eyenot

  Book Description: Scarlett, bearer of The Sacred Blade Of Profanity for nigh on three hundred years, untouched by linear time, unhindered by the confines of space, nevertheless has grown weary. The ancient dagger, crafted in sorcery over eight thousand years ago, requires the blood of the profane to sustain its power. Scarlett has killed…

Review: Bound by Matt Hickman and Andrew Lennon

Book Description: July 2013, Manchester, UK. A murder investigation team, led by DCI Mark Gunn is assigned to probe into the brutal mutilations of four women found dead from various locations around the city centre. The evidence gathered from the scene of the crimes, and the extreme nature of the women’s deaths indicate that the…